Midterm Exams

Midterm Exam Schedule

Please review the schedule for midterm exams here: GHS Midterm Exam Schedule

Midterm exams will be January 21st through the 24th. Please review the following policy regarding midterm and final exams

Midterm Exam Policy

  1. All teachers must give midterm exams during the designated exam schedule. 

  2. All exams will take place during the scheduled exam periods unless an exception is provided in advance by the building principal. 

  3. Only students with excused absences through administration will be allowed to make up missed final exams during the make-up sessions.

  4. Students need to return assigned textbooks to the teacher for semester courses. Payment for lost or damaged textbooks needs to be made prior to a student taking the exam.

  5. In the event of school cancellations, the schedule will be adjusted to accommodate all examinations.

  6. Students are to remain in their exam rooms for the entire exam period. Students are reminded to bring extra materials with them in the event they finish their exam early.

On Exam Days:

  • Students need only attend for examinations.

  • Students who are scheduled for study halls during Periods 1-8 may go to the cafeteria or library to study.

Any changes in the bus schedule will be announced separately the week before exams.    

Midterm Exams