Federal COVID 19 Related Funds Information Page
COVID Federal Funds Review
Summary Information:
7 major "buckets" of Federal COVID relief funds have been allocated to the Gorham School Department since March 15, 2020 totaling $6,956,112.00
All "Cares Relief Funds" (CRF) had to be fully expended by Dec. 31, 2020.
ESSER I, II, and III funds may run through September, 2023.
Funds are received on a reimbursement model. Applications are completed, approved by Maine Department of Education, funds expended by the School Department, and then the School Department draws down cash from the State of Maine to reimburse expenditures.
These funds have been and will continue to be audited annually until fully expended.
A summary of each of the 7 major "buckets" and their "executed" (if already expended) or "planned" (if not yet expended) use is below. . .

Note: Items highlighted in blue below are those that meet the REQUIRED 20% set aside to support specific learning programs that address potential COVID related learning loss.

Final Note: As required by ESSER III federal rules, the Gorham Schools must post publicly their "return to school plan". Our plan, entitled our "Pandemic Operations Plan" is Linked Here.
This plan has been created with ample feedback from key stakeholders as outlined. To stay up to date, please follow the Superintendent's Blog Linked Here.