Strategic Plan
Gorham School Department Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027
The Gorham School Department Strategic Plan provides a five-year guide and blueprint for our educational community that will help ensure that our students continue to excel. This plan affirms our commitment that each Gorham student will receive an exemplary education and reach their fullest potential. We are aware students’ learning needs, social emotional needs and sense of belonging continue to be priorities to be addressed to ensure; “All Gorham students are prepared and inspired to take on the complex challenges facing our current and future world.”
The Strategic Design Committee
The Strategic Design Committee was made up of parents, community members, educators, staff, administrators and students who met six times over the course of seven months to review collected data and determine where we are in the work, how we continue moving forward and how we continue to engage our community in the work.
The broad range of voices represented on the Strategic Design Committee ensured that the plan captures the diverse viewpoints that make the Gorham School Department an exceptional place to learn and thrive. This plan is reflective of the voices of a wide range of stakeholders which helped shape both the strategic planning process as well as the plan itself.
Over the course of the year, the voices of thousands of stakeholders were heard via a Thought Exchange Survey, community meetings, and staff and student building-based forums. Based on the perspectives and data collected, a Strategic Writing Committee met on multiple occasions to draft a document outlining specific goals, action steps, proposed timelines, and evidence for completion of each goal over the next five years. The document is aligned with three targeted areas; Our Students, Our Learning, Our Culture. Each section identifies overarching goals and subsequent strategies. While the goals and strategies aren’t in priority order, the timelines for substantive completion identify targets for reporting to the Gorham School Committee.
The strategic plan is intended to serve as a map outlining how the school district will move forward to “Prepare and Inspire: ALL students in Gorham so that they leave our schools college, career, and life ready!
Click below to view our 2022-2027 Strategic Plan